With millions of possible number combinations, Sudoku provides a brain teaser for all difficulty levels so you will have fun whether you're a beginner or ready for the hard puzzle games. The sudoku grid might seem intimidating to new players, but with a little bit of determination, anyone can overcome the challenge! Sudoku (literally translated as “the numbers must remain single”) has become a mainstay of modern puzzle games. Good luck! By looking for cells with few combinations throughout a puzzle and working out what that must mean for the rest of the puzzle, you will have taken an important step towards successfully solving a killer sudoku puzzle.While it may look like a simple crossword game, sudoku is so much more. Similarly we can place a '4' in the bottom right for the same reason. But since we know the '2' for the row must be in cell one or two, we know that it must be '6', and thus we mark it accordingly, and also write in the '3' at the right edge as that's the only possible value left for that cell. It can't be '4', '4' (repetition) therefore it must be '6' and '2'. We now know the '8' cannot contain a '5' as the '5' is already placed in the 3 x 2 now. Therefore this square must contain a '5'! Thus we place it, and move the cursor to the '8', as we are about to place that next! But it cannot contain a '3' because then the sum for '6' would be 3, 3 which is against the rules. But we can go further! The cell containing the '6' cannot contain a '6', meaning it must contain a '3' or '5'. Therefore we know that the three empty cells at the right of the row must contain one of 3,5,6. Now, we know the 1,2,4 are placed in the first three cells of the row. Let's carry on from where we were, and show the rest of the row that contains the '4' we have now placed: Once you have used the second rule to place a number, apply it again! Here's an example of how powerful this technique is. This is probably the logical technique combined with rule application you will use most often in killer sudoku - for instance once you know the cells where a number must go in a row or column even if you cannot isolate exactly which, you then know it cannot go anywhere else in that row or column. We can now apply the rule that each 3 x 2 must contain 1 - 6 once exactly to place the top right value with certainty - it must be a '4'. Now despite not knowing exactly where the 1,2,3,5,6 go in this 3 x 2 square, we know that those five cells must contain those numbers in some order. We know that this can only be composed of 6, 5, 3, so let's mark that accordingly on the grid: We see a run of '14' composed of three cells. Let's see this here by applying the first rule to the bottom left of the example. Often you don't need to know where a number goes for sure to work out what another number must be.

This gives us:Ģ - Use your pencilmarks to deduce values elsewhere We know this must be '2' and '1' or '1' and '2', so mark it accordingly using pencil marks. Here we can see there is a '3' composed of two cells. In this example we use parts of a 3 x 2 puzzle, therefore the numbers used are from 1 to 6. The best way to get started is to look for the cells that can have the least possible values from the start. And no starting numbers are given to help you out! Here are some strategies to use to solve the puzzle:ġ - Look for cells with the least combinations

However the twist is the grid is split into various shapes, and for each shape a number is given which corresponds to the sum of the cells that compose that shape. All the rules remain in place with regard the rows, columns and 3 x 2 or 3 x 3 squares containing the numbers 1 - 6 or 1 - 9 once and once only. Killer Sudoku is a fun variant of the standard sudoku puzzle.